A man was crossing the street. He was an elderly man. He walked like a turtle. It took him a long time to cross. Every day, he crossed the same street. Every time, he took a long time. The cross lights turned green. He was still crossing the street. Cars would honk at him. The man did not care. He could not cross any faster. "Where is that man going?" people would ask. No one knew where he went. The man walked with a cane. He had white hair and glasses. He crossed the street one day. A boy was standing on the corner. "Where are you going?" the boy asked. "I don't know," replied the man. The old man was lost. Somehow, he would find his way back home every day.
It was a cold day. The wind was blowing. He was in his car. He was waiting for his friend. His whole body was shivering. He turned on the car's heater. It started heating the car. Suddenly, it stopped. He turned it on again, but the heater turned off again. It had stopped working. He was really cold. He had a sweater on. But it was not enough. He forgot to wear his jacket. "How could I warm myself?" he thought to himself. He remembered he had something in his trunk. He opened the car door and stepped out. It was even colder outside his car. There was no one outside. He opened his car trunk. There was a jacket. The jacket was old and smelly. He did not care. It was so cold. He put on the jacket. He went back inside his car. His friend finally arrived.
He went to the mall. He needed clothes to wear. Summer was nearing. He brought a list. It was a list of clothes to buy. He looked at the list. He needed t-shirts. He entered a store. The name of the store was "Summer Shirts". He bought ten shirts. They were different colors. Three of the shirts were blue. Another three were red. Two of the shirts were white The last two were black. He crossed shirts off his list. He needed pants. He walked into a store. The name of the store was "Fancy Pants". He purchased five pairs of pants. Two pants were blue jeans. Another two were tan slacks. The last ones were brown khakis. He crossed pants off his list. He just needed shoes. He walked into a shoe store. He saw sandals. He bought sandals instead of regular shoes. He was now ready for summer.
He bought a computer. It was a laptop. The laptop was expensive. It cost him several hundred dollars. He saved up money. It took him four months to save enough. He earned his money. He worked at a restaurant after school. The job was hard. He was determined to buy a computer. He never quit his job. He went to the Best Buy to purchase it. He walked in with the money in his hand. He knew which computer he wanted already. He paid for the computer, and took it home right away. He opened the box. He lifted the computer gently from the box. "It's beautiful," he said. The laptop was sleek. It looked nice. It was the happiest day in his life. He turned it on. He logged on the Internet.
He was the king. He was a kind ruler. He gave to the poor. He fed the hungry. He healed the sick. The people loved their king. Their king had an army. His army was vast. It protected the kingdom. Invaders would attack. The king's army was strong. They battled with swords and shields. They never lost a battle. The king was proud of his army. He was proud of his kingdom. The king was rich. He had all the gold in the world. Gold made the king greedy. He wanted more. He searched for gold in the world. His army brought him silver. He did not want silver. He wanted gold. The king grew mad. His people revolted. The king was overthrown. The king was banished from his kingdom. He left this world.
She liked to talk. Talking was easy for her. She talked to friends: "Hello, how are you?" Her friends replied: "I am fine. She was always polite. "Bless you," she would say when someone sneezed. "Have a nice day," she would say after saying goodbye. She was a good talker. She was skilled at talking. She talked all the time. She talked over the phone. She talked during class. She talked at her work. Her job was to talk. She helped customers buy things. Can I help you, sir?" she would ask. Every day she talked to customers. She was always helpful. "Thank you for taking the time to talk to me," a customer said one day. "You are very welcome," she said and smiled. Talking is a good skill to have. She practiced it every day.
The world is a big place. There are hundreds of millions of people in the world. People live all around the world. There are many places in the world. We live in the United States. The United States is famous for democracy. There are many people living in the United States. People from the United States come from different places in the world. Canada is another place in the world. Canada is known for its clean air. England is another place in the world. People speak English in England. People in England have accents. England has a queen. Africa is another place in the world. Africa has wild life. Africa has more wild life than other places. Lions and elephants live in Africa. Africa is a beautiful place. There is beauty in every place in the world.
She walked into a restaurant. It was lunch time. She was hungry. She sat down at a table. The waiter handed her a menu. "What would you like to drink?" the waiter asked. She asked for water. She was on a budget. She stopped buying drinks. Water was always free. She liked eating fish. She looked at the menu. There was no fish. She called the waiter. "Do you serve fish?" she asked. "No, I am sorry," the waiter said. She was disappointed. She looked at the menu again. She needed time to think. The waiter left. She did like chicken. She did not like beef. She did not even like pork. She was a picky eater. She made up her mind. The waiter came back. She ordered lamb. The waiter wrote it down. He smiled and left. She ate lamb for lunch.
Tom was a black cat. He was a house cat. He never went outside. He was kept well fed. Tom always got attention. He was a spoiled cat. Tom was sleeping. He heard a sound. It came from the window. He stood on his four legs. He meowed. He went to the window. He looked outside. There was another cat. The cat was white. Tom jumped out the window. He landed on his feet. Cats always land on their feet. The white cat saw Tom. The white cat was a girl. Tom walked towards the white cat. She ran away. Tom chased her. They ran around the house. Tom was having fun. The white cat ran away. Tom did not catch her. It was getting dark. Tom climbed back inside his window. It was a fun day for Tom.
She coughed. She was sick. She had the flu. She did not know how she caught it. She went to see her doctor. She did not like the clinic. The clinic was small and damp. There were always people waiting. She sat in the waiting room. Kids were running around. People were sitting next to her. They were coughing and sneezing. She was coughing and sneezing, too. She felt terrible. She waited for hours. They finally called her name. She quickly went to the nurse. "The doctor will see you now," the nurse said. She went into a small room. She sat down on a bed. The doctor walked in. "Hello, Suzan," the doctor said. She told him she had the flu. The doctor checked her symptoms. He gave her a prescription. "Feel better," the doctor said. "Thank you, doctor," she said.
كان هناك طالب من كوريا الجنوبية , يقول أن لديه مشكلة كبيرة في النطق. إنه يعلم أن نطقه ليس جيدًا ولكنه لا يعرف كيف يجعله أفضل. لا يتكلم كثيرا لأنه لا يحب طريقة نطقه.
يقول إنه يقرأ ويسمع اللغة الإنجليزية و يفهمها جيدًا ولكنه يريد أيضًا التحدث جيدًا. يسأل عما إذا كان هناك شيء يمكنه فعله لتحسين نطقه.
قال له المدرس، "حسنًا ، يمكنني إخبارك بشيء عن النطق وكيفية التدرب عليه. أريد أيضًا أن أعلمك تقنية يمكن أن تساعدك في تحسين النطق.
أولاً ، علينا أن نعرف سبب معاناة الطلاب من مشاكل النطق. عندما نتحدث ، علينا أن نحرك أفواهنا. علينا استخدام العضلات في أفواهنا. المشكلة هي أنك عندما تتحدث الإنجليزية ، فأنت تستخدم أحيانًا عضلاتك كما في لغتك الأم. إذن فإن نطقك للغة الإنجليزية يشبه النطق بلغتك الأم.
يحدث هذا للعديد من الطلاب الذين يتعلمون اللغة الإنجليزية. كل طالب تقريبًا لديه نطق مختلف قليلاً عن المتحدثين الأصليين. إنها ليست مشكلة كبيرة لأن الناس عادة يفهمون ما تريد قوله. أنت طالب ومن المنطقي ألا يكون نطقك مثاليًا عند دراسة اللغة الإنجليزية.
ولكن يمكنك العمل على نطقك وتحسينه. هناك تقنية رائعة يمكن أن تساعدك كثيرًا.
اسم هذه التقنية هو التظليل (shadowing). هذه التقنية بسيطة للغاية. عندما تقوم بالتظليل(shadowing) ، فأنت ببساطة تنسخ الصوت الذي تسمعه. عندما يتعلم الأطفال لغتهم الأولى ، فإنهم يقلدون أيضًا ما يسمعونه. ينسخون مايسمعون من ابائهم مرارًا وتكرارًا وبعد فترة من الوقت يكون نطقهم مثاليًا. يمكنك تعلم نطق اللغة الإنجليزية بنفس الطريقة.
يمكنك اخد بعض المقاطع التي ليست سريعة جدًا والتي تفهمها جيدًا. أنت تستمع وتقوم بنسخ ما تسمعه عندما تسمعه.هذا كل شيء ".
ثم قال ، "التظليل (Shadowing ) مفيد أيضًا عندما تستعد لعرض تقديمي وترغب في الحصول على نطق جيد. قبل العرض التقديمي ، يمكنك الذهاب إلى مكان ما حيث تكون بمفردك ويمكنك التظليل (Shadowing ) لمدة 10 دقائق تقريبًا. سترى كيف يساعدك ذلك على الحصول على نطق أفضل أثناء العرض التقديمي ".
عندما تريد أن يكون لديك نطق جيد ، كرر ما تسمعه بعد المتحدثين الأصليين.
مونيكا هي طالبة من ايطاليا. سألت المعلمة مونيكا بعض الأسئلة. المعلمة تعرف مونيكا لأن مونيكا كانت في فصلها قبل عام . كان فصلًا للمبتدئين ولم يستغرق سوى أسبوعين خلال العطلة الصيفية.
عندما تحدثت مونيكا ، كانت لغتها الإنجليزية جميلة. نطقها كان جيدا . وكانت تتحدث بطلاقة .
كانت المعلمة سعيدة للغاية وقالت لمونيكا ، "يجب أن تكون مدرستك في إيطاليا جيدة جدًا."
قالت مونيكا ، "أنا لم أذهب إلى أي مدرسة. أتعلم اللغة الإنجليزية في المنزل. أنا أستخدم التقنيات التي تغلمتها منك. أقوم بالكثير من القراءة وتكرار الكلام اللذي اسمعه بصوت عال (shadowing التظليل ) والتفكير بصوت عالٍ. أحاول التفكير باللغة الإنجليزية أكثر من الإيطالية.
هذه هي الطريقة التي أعمل بها على تحسين لغتي الإنجليزية. لقد ساعدني الأسبوعان اللذان قضيتهما في الصيف الماضي في صفك كثيرًا. لقد أظهرت لي الطريق. أعرف كيف أعمل على تحسين لغتي الإنجليزية كل يوم. هذا هو سبب رغبتي في المجيئ إلى صفك مرة أخرى لأنه قبل عام ، كنت مبتدئًتا ويمكنني الآن التحدث باللغة الإنجليزية. أريد أن أتعلم منك مرة أخرى ".
كانت المعلمة سعيدة لسماعها هذه الكلمات و شكرت مونيكا على عملها الشاق.
تقول المعلمة ، "إن تقنية " التفكير بصوت عالٍ " فعالة للغاية. يجب أن يكون لديك دافع قوي لتعلم اللغة الإنجليزية إذا كنت ترغب في الاستفادة من هذه التقنية.
من الجيد أيضًا معرفة أن هذه التقنية مجنونة بعض الشيء بالنسبة لبعض الناس. ولكن عندما تبدأ في التفكير بصوت عالٍ ، يمكن أن تكون لغتك الإنجليزية أفضل بسرعة كبيرة ".
"حسنًا ، إنه في الواقع امر بسيط للغاية. أنت تفكر بلغتك الأم طوال اليوم كل يوم. هذا طبيعي. الآن ، يمكنك البدء في التفكير باللغة الإنجليزية. وعندما تبدأ في التفكير باللغة الإنجليزية ، يمكنك التفكير بصوت عالٍ. أنت ببساطة تقول ما تعتقده بصوت عالٍ. هذا كل شيء ".
ثم سألت المعلمة مونيكا إذا كان من المناسب لها التحدث عن تجربتها في التفكير بصوت عالٍ.
قالت مونيكا ، "عندما بدأت بهذه التقنية ، لم يكن الأمر سهلاً. لقد بدأت بجمل بسيطة للغاية. على سبيل المثال ، "يمكنني التحدث باللغة الإنجليزية. من الجيد أن أتحدث الإنجليزية. أريد أن أكون أفضل. أنا بحاجة إلى الممارسة كل يوم. لا أعرف الكثير من الكلمات. لكن يمكنني استخدام هذه الكلمات جيدًا. أستطيع أن أقول أفكاري بهذه الكلمات. أستطيع أن أفعل ذلك. هذا عظيم.'
كانت الجمل بسيطة حقًا. لكن في البداية كانت هناك مشكلة واحدة. كان تفكيري باللغة الإيطالية طويلًا ومعقدًا. لم أستطع أن أقول باللغة الإنجليزية بالضبط ما كنت أقوله بالإيطالية. كنت بحاجة إلى إيجاد نموذج أبسط للغة الإنجليزية. كان التفكير بلغة إنجليزية بسيطة هو الجزء الأصعب. لكن بعد مرور بعض الوقت كان من الطبيعي بالنسبة لي أن أفكر باللغة الإنجليزية.
ثم حدث شيء مثير للاهتمام. التقيت بفتات من استراليا. كانت في إجازة في إيطاليا. كنت ما زلت مبتدئًتا ، لكننا بدأنا في التحدث باللغة الإنجليزية. استطعت أن أرى أنني تمكنت من التحدث معها دون مشاكل كبيرة. كانت جملي بسيطة وقصيرة ، لكنني كنت قادرًتا على التحدث. لم أترجم الكلام في نفسي من الإيطالية إلى الإنجليزية.
بعد الالتقاء مع هذه الفتات من أستراليا ، بدأت في استخدام التفكير بصوت عالٍ أكثر. ساعدني هذا الأسلوب كثيرًا في حديثي. ما زلت أستخدمه كل يوم. إنها حقًا تقنية فعالة للغاية ".
ان كنت تريد التحدث باللغة الإنجليزية بطلاقة ، فكر بصوت عالٍ.